In the year two-thousaaaaaand: Superman wields a magic sword.
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Chriscross
This magical foray into the future was fun and inventive during its first two installments, but this third issue stumbles right before the finish line. Throughout the issue, Superman carries around a large sword constantly crackling with magical blue energy, a confusing sight considering his physical weakness and personal dislike of magic. Superman's opening narrative lines are equally disconcerting for the character: he says his new magic powers "feel as if they belong." Yikes.
For an arc titled "Sorcerer Kings," one does expect fantasy elements, but pushing Superman so out of character makes the story feel wrong. Batman flying a great dragon through the sky - that's something I buy, but Superman dabbling in magic blatantly goes against what makes him who he is.
To make matters worse, the editors of this book (Matt Idelson and Wil Moss) dropped the ball on page 12 when a word balloon comes from Superman's mouth instead of Batman's during a conversation about Lois. Little need be said about how awkward that made the conversation.
Only the art provides a saving grace for this book. A rune-inscribed disc the size of a football stadium erupts with fiery chaotic magic; the Hall of Doom makes an eerie cameo; Teekl transforms into a monsterous lion with glowing blood-red eyes; Klarion bounces about each panel in humorous form; and numerous spells "ZZ-ZARK" and "SSHAKKOW" all over the page in brilliant yellows and purples. Now if only someone would cast a spell to make Superman behave correctly.
Rating: 6.5 out of 10
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